For us, our Xoges and all loved ones.
Option 1: Free
Message @classyxoge your links.
To be added here simply communicate to @ClassyXoge the links to the TX's and the tx should contain your memorial - etched in the blockchains of your choosing via Xoge.
The XRPL Xoge burn Address is :
Use xrpltoolkit and send to that addr with your memo and let @classyxoge know + send a pic if you want one on the site!
Burning Xoge and leaving your pet etched in the blockchain for everyone to see.
For many, like myself the loss of Bits was hard. I wan't to show I will never forget her and though I can not protect her burial past my time - this was the only way to ensure no one could remove her legacy even in my passing. Bits was the best friend we all hope to get when we get a pet in our life. For that - with the spirit of Xoge and helping others, we together solve more problems with Xoge and give lasting peace for our lost best friends.
Place your burn tx's and memo - then send links to me and I will add them here for everyone. If I ever stop it will be easy for anyone to copy them all and put up a new link table for everyone. Even if something happens to me and I stop doing it - they will all still be saved on the blockchains used and rebuilding a list will be easy.

It would be a great honor for your to leave your pets legacy etched in our blockchains for all time. To do so, use the tools of the internet to send Xoge to the issuers address of the contract. Many will flag this as a blackhole/burn option and will destroy the tokens. It will also leave the message you choose as the memo for all time.
Though Bits is the first and held strong on my heart - the size of the contribution is NOT a sign of affection or meaning. from 1 to a trillion, we love all our Xoges. Since there is no place like Xoge in the world, Xoge was the perfect place to spread this love and saving of memories.
I would be honored if you joined bits and I in these actions.

Option #2 - Paid : For those who can not burn and want this done.
Send 15 XRP to
And then message @classyxoge on or via discord the address you sent from as well as the memorial message to be placed in the memo of the burn.

The message and use of Xoge is what is important. Not the amount - it does not indicate how much you cared. I will not be displaying the amounts burned out of respect for this. If you are really curious you can look them up yourselves.